Bumming Over For Now

The freak storms in recent months have brought some great damage to the jungle outside of my apartment. Every time the wind blows & it rains hard on the lush grenery, my landscape changes. Not by one branch or two but two or three trees that line the edge of the forest reserve! Then the pruners whom I’d shouted at a year ago,would arrive & get chainsaw-happy over the fallen trees & on those standing ones too! My view is altered forever. In the midst of one happening the other day, I was at home. I heard a loud crack, followed by a squeak. When the rain stopped, I was horrified to see a tree leaning precariously over Moggie’s car! I called him to remove it immediately but just as soon as I’d put down the phone, I called him again to advise him against it lest the tree collapses on him. Hmm……since I chopped my tresses, I haven’t been thinking right. Divemuster says that my neurons are at the tips of my hair & now I’m short-circuited. Ladyhawk thinks I should have a big calendar in front of my workspace to piece together my time & schedule because the synapses are not connecting……I’m fried.

There must be some kind of explanation to this because I’m rarely absentminded. Water in my brains? Or chlorinated hair from too many pool sessions? Whatever it is, I’ll be engaged in a desk job for a big company for the next three months & diving would take a back seat. I did, however, negotiate for one trip a month to finish the certification courses for my existing students. Hahaha, it’s back to the corporate environment for me when I come back from Tenggol! Hopefully, my senses & such would return.


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