Good Friends Are Hard To Come By……

…….so keep those who are good like jewels in your treasure chest. Friends come & go but you would know keepers when they are there come rain or shine. I’ve had the opportunity to catch up with a friend for tea on Saturday to find out what’s going on in each other’s life. We sat down relishing the duck confit & cheese cake, reminiscing the times we spent taking care of other people’s troubles, mending broken hearts & settling affairs. We talked about how vicious something is, how unforgiving some remarks can be & how one can make good of oneself by being role models that people can aspire to be. The possibilities of getting things right & not screwing up life’s chances were some of the issues we talked about.

We laughed about some blunders that we would rather forget & how stupid we felt in the wake of relationship blues but we made good of our lives with the help of friends who stood by us through it all. As we tucked into our mouthfuls of sinfully delicious treats for the afternoon, we realised that friendship is something that you build upon with hope, empathy, care, love & action. Of course there was the discussion about cats not ever refusing fish & dogs not ever being disloyal as we have looked, loved, lasted, limped & lived to tell each other that it’s alright to look, listen, laugh & love again. Ultimately I need not be the fish to get a cat while he need not be the cat to get a fish. What would life be without friends??? 🙂

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